• St. Stephen's college was established on 1st February 1881, it is the oldest college in Delhi. First it was affiliated to Calcutta University & after sometime Punjab university, and last, in 1922 it was the establishment of Delhi University. It also becomes one of its three original Integral institutions.

    The College started with just 5 students & 3 teachers in a Small home in Katrs Kaushal Rai, Near kinara Bazar in Chandni chowk. From 1891 to 1941 it was housed which is converted into the building now hosted as the office of the Delhi Election Commission, near about the St. James Church inside the Kashmere gate, and last 1942 it is shifted to present location which is University Enclave.

    Courses offered in St Stephen's College

    Under Graduate Courses

    • BA Honours Economics, English, History, Philosophy, Sanskrit.
    • B.Sc Honours Mathematics, Chemistry, physics.
    • B.Sc. Prog Physical Science
    • B.A Prog.

    Post Graduate Courses

    • M.A economics, English, History, Philosophy, Sanskrit
    • M.A/M.Sc Mathematics
    • M.A/M.Sc Operations Reseach
    • M.Sc Chemistry
    • M.Sc Physics



    Address: St. Stephen's College, University Enclave, North Campus

    City: Delhi

    Pincode: 110007

    Contact Details

    Ph: 011 2766 7271

    Email: ssc@ststephens.edu


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